6 Months Later...

It's been a busy first half of the year with school ending and whatnot, but it's time to empty my hard drive onto this website. To start off, here's some film/digital photos from January 31, 2014. (Click the image for higher quality)

Stephen Bs Smith Bs 1

Stephen Bs Smith Bs 1

Another from that blue ledge. All the square format photos were shot with a Bronica Sq-a, 80mm.

Another from that blue ledge. All the square format photos were shot with a Bronica Sq-a, 80mm.

Got double angles of Henry fs ollie at porno ditch.

Got double angles of Henry fs ollie at porno ditch.



B-roll chillin'.

B-roll chillin'.

B-roll third angle. That stance though.

B-roll third angle. That stance though.

San Marcos

Kyle went on the warpath the other day.

Click the pictures to see the original sizes. Do it!

The first spot.

The first spot.

Feeble pop over.

Feeble pop over.

Second spot. Matt Heroy on the VX.

Second spot. Matt Heroy on the VX.

This is San Marcos?

This is San Marcos?

Fisheye angle.

Fisheye angle.

Port Aransas

Here's some 4x5 test shots from a family trip to Port Aransas. I'm still experimenting with black and white film exposing/processing. More 4x5 shots (of skateboarding) coming soon!

Matt Kitchen.

This seems like a good place to share my photos that don't fit in to the rest of my site. So, here we go.

I'd like to begin this blog by posting some photos I took last week of the greatest man I've ever had the privilege of being brothers with. Matt played a gig last week at Grady's Barbecue after a 7 year hiatus from performing. The setting was strange for a gig, being a restaurant and all, but Matt killed it and I respect him for his getting up there and turning a family oriented restaurant into a room full of old excited beer drinkers. Needless to say, the owner was psyched. Hopefully he reconsiders his prices because $4 for a Lone Star (bottle) is outrageous. Anyways, here's some photos from the gig.