
The first three photos are a process that I am trying to clean up a bit. The other two are older photos from the studio (my garage). Click the image to view it large.


I have finally initiated the experimentation process in my garage. Here's a couple pieces from the other night. This was mostly a test to see if everything I used was working properly.

Annihilation of Time and Space

Untitled (Stephen), 2013

Untitled (Stephen), 2013

I've finally formatted a project I worked on in college to be internet compatible! It's about portraiture and the way the subject is perceived by the viewer. The title comes from Rebecca Solnit's "River of Shadows", in which she describes the drastic effects Eadweard Muybridge's "time freezing" shutter had on art, visual representation, and the rest of the world. So basically, this project is an investigation of portraiture through a lens inspired by industrialization and the way it compress production, communication, transportation, etc.

Go check it on in my "Projects" section!

Also, I updated my homepage. Feel free to check that out too.

Prod Photes - Matt Kitchen Music

I tried my hand at some product photos for my brother's music venture. He designed some t-shirts that are quite comfy as well as aesthetically pleasing! (Click the image to see the next one)


Check out his music here:

Phase 1: Complete

The first phase of the studio/lab project is complete. I'm now equipped with a scanner. So here's some old black and white photos I randomly processed yesterday. For any analog photo nerds, I developed the film using PMK Pyro for the first time. The results were nice, but a few frames had some nasty spotting on where the sky was exposed.  I'm not sure whether this came from the developer (which I've never used before this roll), or from the film being over 2 years old. Guess I'll find out on the next roll. Here's the photos:

Summertime Rush

We've been stacking mad clips for a video that will be on YouTube one day, hopefully sooner than later. Yesterday, Martin blasted some ollies over a new spot. Twas dope. And then we all gave each other stick and pokes. Very productive day.

Lookin' real good.

Lookin' real good.

Connor doing Connor things.

Connor doing Connor things.



Even Zach got a photo.

Even Zach got a photo.

Martin got the cheese grater treatment.

Martin got the cheese grater treatment.

The End. Stay tuned for more Summertime Rush media. Also, buy a copy of Half in the Bag if you haven't already!